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Happy Place

Happy Place

RRP: £99
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Sin duda Wyn es el que ha robado mi corazón, el tipo es lindo dese el primer momento con su encanto juvenil y su coqueteo constante pero a medida que la historia avanza también descubrimos sus miedos e inseguridades.

I decided to give Emily Henry another chance after Beach Read, which I did not finish because it was bad in my opinion. wyn and harriet were so torn up over each other, but they are so bad at communicating their vulnerability to one another. I understand why he broke it off which even made sense and I don’t blame him for that, but the way he went about it was so frustrating and selfish.I think depending on whether you look back at that time fondly or not will depend on how much you enjoy this novel.

Overall, this is an inspirational novel about self-growth, friendship, growing up, changing, grief, and mental illness. wyn’s dad dying was a sort of superficial wound because it was an external circumstance/dent in their relationship. Grief can really negatively impact a relationship and phycological issues developed in childhood can cause people to behave in ways that aren't always very clear. her love towards her friends, her thoughts about herself, her conflicting emotions towards her family, even down to her thoughts about her job made me feel so seen. It just makes all those beautiful promises that Wyn said to her feel so empty and I think he meant them.should have know this book would have been a little different based on the cover featuring six people rather than just the classic two.

  • Fruugo ID: 258392218-563234582
  • EAN: 764486781913
  • Sold by: Fruugo

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